filecacher - File Cacher
The main functions in this package are with_cache() and cached_read(). The former is a simple way to cache an R object into a file on disk, using 'cachem'. The latter is a wrapper around any standard read function, but caches both the output and the file list info. If the input file list info hasn't changed, the cache is used; otherwise, the original files are re-read. This can save time if the original operation requires reading from many files, and/or involves lots of processing.
Last updated 1 months ago
3.00 score 2 stars 1 scripts 327 downloadsdeduped - Making "Deduplicated" Functions
Contains one main function deduped() which speeds up slow, vectorized functions by only performing computations on the unique values of the input and expanding the results at the end.
Last updated 1 years ago
3.00 score 2 stars 4 scripts 221 downloads